Something cool out of microsoft? Very neat simple “programming game”. Like Scratch, but 3d and pretty. Its now available for PC (originally only xbox). Preview from slate Microsoft’s Kodu page
Something cool out of microsoft? Very neat simple “programming game”. Like Scratch, but 3d and pretty. Its now available for PC (originally only xbox). Preview from slate Microsoft’s Kodu page
Don’t know if you’ve seen this, but its a very cool student-made computer game whose premise is awesomely original. Devil’s Tuning Fork is a first-person game where you have no “vision”. The only way you can see is if you … Continue reading
We’ve used a open-source tool called robocode. Basically it is a game where you program robots in Java (or .Net). The robots battle in real-time and on-screen. It was a closing project (last 4 weeks) to our Intro to Programming … Continue reading